

Why Should #CCGs Spend Money on #Nappies?

Why Should #CCGs Spend Money on #Nappies?

As you may have heard, on 10 March, The White House (yes, the office of the President of the USA) launched a project about nappies #diapergap.  In the USA, 1 in 3 children are not having their nappies changed frequently enough.  This is a public health issue.  Babies...

How do we reduce nappy waste?

Last month (19 Jan) I attended a waste event where I was briefed on the new EU Circular Economy Strategy.  It's very exciting.Economic instruments were cited as effective tools to bring about the major change that's needed to make the EU more sustainable. ...

How do you wash real nappies?

We know that all washing machines are different. The general rule is heat kills bacteria so wash at 60 degrees for the first 6 months.  Alternatively, if your washing machine performs well at low temperature you could use a nappy sanitiser.  No need to soak...

Guest Post: Real Nappy Week 2015

Thank you to Izzy who has contributed this guest post as part of our Real Nappy Week 2015 writing competition.  Please keep sending in your stories.  Just email to realnappiesforlondon@lcrn.org.uk I'm Izzy, mummy to two beautiful babes, living in the...

Guest Blog: Cloth nappies…

 It was only a year before I had my own baby, that I held a clothed bum baby for the first time. Some ten years after my first babysitting evening! This memory only made me wonder why I knew so little about this world when I got pregnant. I did research a...

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