

I’ve been forced to post this as I’ve been told by the DH that they have nothing more to say to me on the subject

Hilary Vick says the Department of Health (DH) needs to stand up to commercial interests and give parents fair access to information about alternatives to disposable nappies I’m very disappointed about the reply (see it at the end of this...

Elections are coming …

First of all thank you for using real nappies.  I'm sure you love them and get a good feeling from knowing that you are not putting out a big bag of disposable nappies every week that goes to landfill or incineration.How passionate are you about real...

What is Potty Training?

June Rogers, the UK's expert on paediatric continence draws a distinction between potty training ie taking away nappies during the day and preparing babies/toddlers for using the potty/toilet.  We don't just suddenly show children books with writing and expect...

The New Baby Boom | Buy Shares in Disposable Nappies

Today the Financial Times Magazine published an article 'The New Baby Boom'.  It says "In 2001, the number of births in England and Wales hit a 25-year low of 595,000.  In 2012, there were 730,000, a 22 per cent increase."  And this growth is highest in...

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