
Part 3: How did people react? – Guest post

Having plunged into the world of cloth nappies armed with little more than a (nappy) bucket full of enthusiasm and the words of a couple of wise mums ringing in my ears, I encountered a few challenges and differing opinions.My husband wanted me to try the nappies out...

My washable nappy journey – Guest Post

Helen, mum to William aged 8 monthsOver the next five days of Real Nappy Week I’ll be writing a series of blog posts to try and give an insight about my journey with real nappies so far. I’m very happy to try and answer questions that anyone may have, but I’m learning...

The Real Nappy Week message this year is Real nappies… Real easy!

At Real Nappies for London we think this is absolutely true and here’s why:We’re all the same, when we think about changing a nappy we imagine the worst! In reality most nappies are simply damp.You can use disposable bio-degradable liners with real nappies. That...
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