
When we start a family we tend to find we have less money. It’s time to think smart: spend less and live differently.

We’re in the early days of designing a new project with the Women’s Environmental Network (WEN) to help new parents in London find out how to buy less, waste less, save money and make money. Have your heard of the Transition Town Network? It’s brought people together locally to learn new skills, insulate their homes, make friends, save money and live more sustainably. We think that London parents need something like this.

We’re thinking that every borough needs a sling library, a nappy library, regular baby clothes swap events. What else? A work hub with a crèche? Ways to make money and look after your baby at the same time?

What’s already happening in your area? Was it easy to find out? We’re looking at starting a project that can help expectant and new parents buy second-hand, get creative or build a community that will support them in the early days and years of starting a family. We’re looking for individuals who want to make things happen in their area or need help with funding to offer services to expectant and new parents on low incomes.

What should we call it? Do you want to get involved?

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