

Everyday more and more parents are switching to modern cloth nappies to reduce the UK’s nappy waste. But not everyone is aware of the choices available to them – we want to change this! Join Real Nappies for London, parents, cloth nappy suppliers and networks for a social media #EWWRNappyChat on Tuesday 21st November 2017 at 20.00 to 21.00 to share your experience, tips and enthusiasm for real cloth nappies.

Real nappy culture has been growing in the UK since the Women’s Environmental Network started Real Nappy Week back in 1998. This is one area of environmental action where the UK may just be ahead of the rest of Europe. Let’s celebrate this European Week for Waste Reduction (18 – 26 November 2017) – join the conversation on Tuesday 21st November for one hour via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to get real nappies trending!

What would make more parents #TryClothNappies?

Why are you a #ClothBumMum or #ClothDiaperDad?

What are your #ClothNappyTips for parents looking to get started?

Have your say by connecting with us with the hashtags above and by using the following social media handles:

Real Nappies for London – Facebook / Instagram: @RealNappiesforLondon | Twitter: @_RNfL

European Week for Waste Reduction – Facebook: @ewwr.eu | Twitter / Instagram: @2EWWR | #EWWR

You can also send your comments by e-mail: info@realnappiesforlondon.org.uk. We’ll then be able to share this on your behalf.


Alice Walker
15 November 2017

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